Employees at home but still needs to hold work meetings?
Watch the details for full details!
Step 1:
Download Be.Live—a platform that allows you to livestream on Facebook, YouTube, record off-air, or hold online meetings in private. Once you’ve subscribed to the platform, you can leverage it for your online meetings and also use it to grow your business on social media.
Here are a few tutorials on how to use BeLive and make the most of your subscription with them to create more profit within your business.
Step 2:
Set up a time with your team members to join you for the meeting.
If you’ve got a small group, meet right inside of the BeLive dashboard and pull speakers on screen with you, rotating through members if you have more than four (the limit for one screen—the backstage area can house ten people who can see and hear the main speakers but not be seen or heard by anyone but the person controlling the dashboard until they’re added to the main screen)
If you’ve got a large team, create a closed Facebook group for employees-only and stream to the group so viewers can comment in real-time.
Check the video at the top of the page for more details on how to quickly and easily do this.
Step 3:
Meet your team inside the platform and begin your meeting. Use screen share capabilities, show graphics, charts, or information on screen, put agenda notes on screen, pull up user comments if streaming into a closed group and viewers are writing in, and even use the customized branding features to enhance our meeting and keep everyone up to date on business.
Step 4:
Leverage BeLive to livestream for your business on Facebook or YouTube. Use the offline recording capabilities to record trainings, etc for your company and more.
Create A Profitable Business Through Smart Social Media Marketing
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All content is the property of K.M. Robinson, K.M. Robinson Books, K.M. Robinson Photography, and Reading Transforms and may not be used without permission.