Company Media Education


Let’s Start With Key Takeaways…

Learn How To Create Engaging Content

Tips and actions to make content creation easy and fast


Create Community And Conversation

Designing content to elicit conversation and build trust


Reflect The Values Of The Company

Represent things the company holds important while still being trendy and timely

Avoid Stirring Up Trouble Online

Avoid making choices in content that might reflect badly on individuals or the company 

The best way for any company, corporation, group, house, etc can grow is by doing community outreach online…but it can be scary allowing employees to represent the brand without proper training.

Let me show your people how to represent themselves and you in a way that shine a light on your group, keeps them out of trouble online, and makes it incredibly easy to create daily content.

Companies and groups

*Content strategy for the company

*Creating a compelling storyline through content

*Engagement training

*Location training for on-site content creation

*Technology training (beginner, intermediate, and expert if applicable)

*Editing training

*Caption and comment training

*Trend training (picking with trends to do and which to avoid)

*Individualized training opportunities in break out sessions 

*Additional education for remote worked content creation available

Law enforcement and fire houses

*Specialized conversation on community outreach and engagement for law enforcement officers and fire houses

*Specific topics and content strategies

*Decision-making training on what to post and not post

*Prioritization of keeping officers or members safe on social platforms

*How to create content on and off the job that will honor the badge no matter what

*Technology training (beginner, intermediate, and expert if applicable)

*Editing training (including safety issues with badges)

*Caption and comment training

*Trend training (picking with trends to do and which to avoid)

*Individualized training opportunities in break out sessions 

Adaptive online courses available if Covid is a problem but this training is best done in person so I can demonstrate and redirect as volunteers participate.

A full year of done-with-you livestream plans including topics, agenda points, marketing, repurposing, supplemental livestream plans, and more so you can fill-in-the-blank and copy-and-paste your way to fear-free monthly livestreams!

Work With Me

Ready to level-up your social media? Check out my courses and products to help make your marketing so much easier!

Need an educator to speak at your convention, summit, or event? Let’s talk—I’ve got a number of different types of trainings and keynotes available for you to look at!

Whether you’re a brand or a full company, it’s time for a guided oversight of your social platforms—leave our conversation with an action plan tailored to your brand to help you grow.

Are you a company in need of professional social marketing training for your employees? Virtual and in-person trainings are available to help your company grow from the inside out!

Looking For Sponsored Content?

Want your product or company featured on my YouTube channel or social media platforms? Here’s how to reach out about collaborations!

Popular YouTube Videos

Connect On Social Media!

Create an entire month of IG Reels/TikToks/YouTube Shorts in an hour…no dancing or lip-synching required!

Tools and Resources