5 Places to Find Livestream Or Podcast Guests
Looking for guests for your livestream talk show? Or maybe you’d like to be a guest on a show!
Here are five great ways to start sourcing options for upcoming collaborations!
1.) Facebook Groups
There are plenty of Facebook groups out there that exists specifically to connect creators with other industry people for collaborations.
Be sure to read all the rules once you join a group and participate in the correct way.
Here are two I love:
Podcast Guest Collaboration Community

Get the Guest Email Template for free as part of the free full-course on running a livestream show over at livestreamactionplan.com, my gift to you to make your life easier and your show better!
Search for people teaching the topics you’re looking to be involved with. Often times the biggest names in the industry will be busy, but check for people lower on the search page—they’re usually the ones that are excited to collaborate!
Pro tip: found a big-name you like but they’re too busy? Check their comments! You’ll frequently find people in the same niche giving great advice in their comments, and they might be the perfect fit for you!
2.) Youtube
3.) Other Livestreamers/Podcasters In Your Niche
Do a little research and see who is on the same level as you! This might be the perfect opportunity to help each other grow! Do some research before you reach out and then come up with a mutually beneficial plan so you both get in front of each other’s audiences!
Your show doesn’t only have to showcase other educators—it’s your show so show off the people you work with! Invite clients who have seen success to talk about what they did (and how you helped them) and use their success story (big or small) to teach others how they can do that too!
4.) Clients/ Students
5.) People You Can Help On Air
How can you help on air? Bring them on and teach them in front of everyone! I recently started doing livestream Instagram account critiques to help the person on air with me but also to teach the masses how to tweak their accounts for success! Use this within your own business to teach and also leverage some good will while helping someone out as a gift (technically a trade since you get to leverage that footage)
I’m giving away not one, but TWO free action plans with all the work done for you for your upcoming livestream over at Livestream Action Plan! Theres also a free course on how to run your own talkshow to grow your business.
And if you need extra help, there’s a monthly membership where I give you a fleshed-out livestream action plan every month and do 90% of the work for you—all you have to do is fill in the blanks and hits record!
Get first access to events, freebies, all of my videos, webinars, trainings, and more by joining the newsletter club!
Have questions you’d like answered on a live broadcast or in a video? Email info@kmrobinson.com
Want to set up an interview or appearance? Email info@kmrobinson.com

All content is the property of K.M. Robinson, K.M. Robinson Books, K.M. Robinson Photography, and Reading Transforms and may not be used without permission.