3 Ways To Leverage The Add Yours Feature On Instagram
Instagram now allows us to create a community topic that others can add their photos or video to in a chain on Stories.
To use Add Yours, follow these steps:
1.) Create your Stories post
2.) Click on the stickers button
3.) Click Add Yours
5.) Position the Add Yours box where you want it
6.) Hit post and encourage others to post their own through your prompt
But how can we effectively leverage this to help us start conversation with our community and grow our following?
Keep in mind, to grow your following via Add Yours, you’ll need to consistently come up with really great prompts people can actively get involved in, so think of topics broad enough that others can easily join in on their own pages and still have it make sense for their communities too!
Here are a few topic ideas for you:
1.) Show a photo of your workspace—this allows your community to show their desks, their laptops, their kitchens and living rooms and places they work, etc. Not only can they relate to you and your space, finding common ground to chat about, but you can also go through the chain and see their workspaces which will help you to understand your following better and gain ideas for new content that will be meaningful to them.
2.) Show me what you do on your day off—this will get your community talking about their families, hobbies, places they like to go, and events they like to attend. It’s valuable market research for you and is wonderful for adding other engagement tools (comment box, slider, poll) to as well so they can respond to the day off you’re showing.
3.) Tell me one thing Hollywood gets wrong about your job—this helps get your community talking! You can do valuable investigation on your audience while also hearing their stories, which gives you the ability to start a meaningful conversation with them. Follow the chain of posts and when a new person adds something, slide into their DMs with a supportive comment on it—be open to asking questions to learn more about what they do.
These topics help you to understand who your clients, customers, and followers are, opens the door for conversation in DMs, and allows you to get noticed when chains start to do well with your following. (Pro tip: ask some of your highly involved fans to personal jump into the chain—send them a DM because you want to hear what they have to add to the conversation and encourage them to join you so that you have earlier engagement)
Try not to overdo the Add Yours stickers you’re using, limiting it to once or twice a week depending on how your following responds. If they love it, increase it to several a week, or even daily. If they don’t’ respond right away, stick to once a week and condition them to start joining you.
Add Yours is a great way to facilitate conversation and learn about your audience while also educating them on the behind-the-scenes of your business.
Level Up Your Instagram Livestreams
How To Save Your IG Livestreams
Instagram Lives Hacks
New Update To IG Camera
Need to kickstart your Instagram platform? Do these five livestreams on Instagram next week to build your following and engagement, and prepare your followers for your upcoming livestreams.
I’m giving away not one, but TWO free action plans with all the work done for you for your upcoming livestream over at Livestream Action Plan! Theres also a free course on how to run your own talkshow to grow your business.
And if you need extra help, there’s a monthly membership where I give you a fleshed-out livestream action plan every month and do 90% of the work for you—all you have to do is fill in the blanks and hits record!
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Have questions you’d like answered on a live broadcast or in a video? Email info@kmrobinson.com
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All content is the property of K.M. Robinson, K.M. Robinson Books, K.M. Robinson Photography, and Reading Transforms and may not be used without permission.